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The best sledding hills in Helsinki

It’s that time of year again when you can dig out your sleds, sliders, and toboggans from the basement and head to the hills! For those tired of the bumps in the nearby forest, we’ve put together tips on Helsinki’s many hills, offering both thrilling speeds and gentler slopes. So, grab your sled, hop on the bus, and off you go!

Pieni lapsi ja lastenhoitaja hiihtoladulla Helsingissä

Paloheinä sledding hill

Let's start the tour at Paloheinä, Helsinki's only official sledding hill.
The city ensures the safety of the hill, and it is also illuminated until evening, so you can come here after daycare or school. Although the peak isn’t the highest on this list (38 meters above sea level), you can still pick up good speed, and the slope itself is fairly long.
By winter 2025, the sledding hill will be further improved. Fences will be set up to border the slope. A snow-making system is also under construction to ensure soft runs during freezing weather, regardless of natural snowfall.
You can also rent a sled here if needed: the rental shop, open on weekday evenings and weekends, offers sleds for three hours at a cost of five euros.
You can easily spend the whole day at Paloheinä, as sledding can be combined with skiing, ice skating, exploring nature trails, or even visiting the Haltiala farmstead. Café Palomaja serves hungry sledders all day, and for those who prefer marshmallows and sausages, Paloheinä also has a grill hut.

Malminkartano sledding hill

In the northern part of the city, there is another notable sledding spot. From Helsinki's highest hill (91 meters above sea level), you’ll find what is possibly the city’s most thrilling slope, even though you can’t start sledding right from the top. This hill gets bonus points for its stunning views and the fact that sledding can easily be combined with activities like ice skating.
It’s a good idea to pack snacks and a thermos, as the area has more limited services compared to other locations on this list.

The sledding hill at the cathedral steps

Perhaps the city's most monumental sledding spot is the staircase of the Helsinki Cathedral, where you can slide straight down to Senate Square—provided there's enough snow. Here, you’re sure to showcase the Finnish sledding tradition to tourists as well. If the cold or hunger strikes, the nearby streets are home to many cozy cafés offering hot drinks and pastries.

Kaisaniemi sledding hill

This downtown classic is often frequented by students from nearby schools or the university. Sledders can choose their direction depending on how thrilling a ride they want. The steeper side of the hill is quite icy, while the slope from the side offers a gentler descent.
Here, it’s especially important to watch out for collisions with pedestrians, as Kaisaniemi Park is also a popular route for those heading to the railway station, and sidewalks tightly border the slope.
Please note that in winter 2025, renovations in Kaisaniemi Park will partially limit sledding opportunities.

Ullanlinna sledding hill

South Helsinki's most popular sledding hill can be found in the city's oldest park, Kaivopuisto. Sledders should be prepared for a few trees and other plantings, as well as jumps, which can be seen as either thrilling or fun surprises. This seaside hill is also one of the city's most beautiful.
Warm drinks and snacks are available at the waterfront restaurants, Café Ursula, or nearby Cafe Carousel, where you can admire the winter sea. On the same trip, you can visit the small Uunisaari islands, accessible via bridges in winter.
As with other central locations, parking near Kaivopuisto can be challenging. The closest access to the sledding hill is via trams 2, 3, and 10.

Alppipuisto sledding hill

Although Linnanmäki amusement park is closed during the snowy season, this hill will still give you butterflies in your stomach during winter. That’s thanks to the thrilling sledding hill in Alppipuisto, which is not for the faint of heart.

Taivaskallio sledding hill

This forested hill near Käpylä hides numerous sledding spots weaving through the trees. With a height of nearly 60 meters, it earns a special mention for its magnificent views: from here, you can see both the tower buildings of Kalasatama and the Myllypuro water tower. Public transport connections to this hill are excellent: when it's time to leave, your final sled ride can take you almost all the way to Käpylä train station.

Topelius park

This sledding hill in Taka-Töölö is also ideal for more cautious sledders, as the slope is fairly gentle. It’s one of the most beginner-friendly hills on the list, and even the youngest family members can usually manage the climb back up.
When sledding starts to wear you out, the nearby Töölö Library offers a break, and those looking for a snack can head to the seaside Cafe Regatta.

Kontulan kelkkapuisto park

In Kontula, you'll find a versatile and popular sledding hill with a long slope for thrill-seekers and shorter hills for those who prefer a gentler ride.

Tali sledding hill

While the Tali golf course is closed for the winter, its well-maintained and open terrain offers excellent sledding opportunities. Once the snow arrives, ski trails are also prepared on the course.  
We hope this list provides variety and inspiration for your sledding days. Wishing the whole family joyful and suitably thrilling moments of speed! 😊

Lastenhoitaja seuraksi hiihtolomalle

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