Alternative for family daycare in Espoo
Before starting daycare or as an alternative to family daycare, a Tuttu babysitter in Espoo can take care of your baby or toddler. If a nearby daycare spot was not available or if your baby is too young for external childcare, choosing your own experienced and soon-to-be familiar babysitter at home can be a good solution.
We have many interviewed and skilled babysitters in the areas of Leppävaara, Tapiola, and Espoonlahti, from whom we also check, according to family preferences, criminal background extracts and references, as well as any qualifications and first aid certificates. We find a babysitter for each child whose schedule, qualifications, and past experience match the family's wishes.
Even though the babysitter comes to your home, in Espoo, the babysitter can take your baby or toddler to places like Museo Leikki, one of the city's many libraries, or for a stroller walk along the seashore.
NOTE: If you need a babysitter for more than 15 hours per week, ask us separately about discounted prices!
Tell us more about your situation, and let us suggest just the right babysitter for your baby!
It's this simple
1. You decide, when.
Life with kids is sometimes unpredictable, and it is part of the charm! We do our best to keep up and offer help, even at short notice.
2. You decide, who.
It takes courage to invite strangers to your home, let alone to take care of your kids. We know our babysitters and take time to present them to you, so that you can choose the best fit for your kid.
3. We take care of the rest.
You've asked for babysitting help in order to save time, not waste it, and we get that. We handle payments and paper work so that you can focus on something more pleasant.
How are your babysitters chosen?
30-minute interview. In the interview, our babysitters' skills and motivation have been assessed using questions developed by early childhood education professionals.
Previous childcare experience. Many of our babysitters work in daycare centers or are studying in the field. Their experience has been verified, for example, by calling a reference.
Background checks. We check the identity documents and any first aid certificates, etc., for all babysitters. We also verify the criminal record extract on behalf of the family at no extra charge.
How can we help?
Regular babysitting
Our babysitters assist children weekly in various activities such as daycare trips, meal times, outdoor play, hobby transportation, and bedtime routines. If a family's regular Tuttu babysitter falls ill, we strive to arrange a substitute.
Care for a sick child
Most of our babysitters also take care of sick or recovering children who are not yet able to return to daycare. We are usually able to help even with requests that come in on the same morning!
A single visit
You can find a reliable babysitter for unexpected situations through us. So, don't hesitate to ask for help even at short notice!
While waiting for daycare to start or as an alternative to family daycare, your baby or toddler can be cared for by a Tuttu babysitter.
Language learning
Our babysitters are native speakers of various languages including Finnish, English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Estonian, Russian, Somali, Greek, and Hungarian, and they can support your child's language development through play and exercises.
Babysitting for holidays
If the daycare is closed during holidays, your first-grader needs company during the long summer vacation, or if you want a babysitter to accompany you on a holiday, we are happy to help.